System Luxeoil Reconstructive Elixir 100ml: The elixir repairer with keratin that nourishes, protects and shines the hair. Ideal for all types of hair, even fine, offering instant softness and intense shine.
It makes a soft, bright and protected hair System Luxeoil Reconstructive Elixir. Ideal for all hair types, this elixir transforms and nourishes the hair with keratin, natural oils and UV protection.
System Luxeoil Reconstructive Elixir 100ml of System Professional is a nourishing and repairing oil that transforms the hair from the inside. With reconstructive keratin, this elixir provides a instant softness and a intense shine, protecting keratin from mechanical stress.
This elixir is ideal for all kinds of hair, even to fine hair, thanks to its formula enriched with natural oils like argan, shit and almond, that nourish and enrich the hair fiber. With its use, the hair acquires a smooth, manageable and shiny texture, without leaving heavy waste.
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