
  • Genus

    29,66 € 32,95 € 1001 In Stock
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    GenUS's 24/7 unbleached restorative treatment works internally on the hair reversing damage already caused by chemical treatments and restoring its original strength and elasticity, gradually restoring the health of your mane
  • Genus

    12,60 € 14,00 € 11 In Stock
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    Discover the Argan Shampoo that moisturizes and effectively cleans dry, curly hair!Enriched with Argan Oil and Flaxseed, it provides extraordinary nutrition, softness and luster.
  • Genus

    13,95 € 15,50 € 1 In Stock
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    The Argan Mask is a moisturizing mask that loosens and softens curly hair. Enriched with Argan Oil and Flaxseed, it nourishes and hydrates intensely, providing extraordinary softness and luster.
  • Genus

    20,66 € 22,95 € 998 In Stock
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    Discover Milk shampoo enriched with wheat and milk proteins!nourishes and gently cleans stressed hair. It provides body and shine, leaving hair soft, healthy and easy to comb.
  • Genus

    10,98 € 12,20 € 12 In Stock
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  • Genus

    38,88 € 43,20 € 2 In Stock
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    Permite obtener decoloraciones de hasta 9 tonos y es ideal en estructuras gruesas y difíciles Garantiza una acción más rápida y un aclarado mayor que los polvos decolorantes habituales Se puede mezclar en una dilución 1:2 con peróxido de hidrógeno a 5 vol , 10 vol , 20 vol , 30 vol Enriquecida con Queratina, Aceite de Argán y Macadamia
  • Genus

    19,08 € 21,20 € 1000 In Stock
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    Mascarilla spray multiacción sin enjuague para el cabello seco y crespo Enriquecida con Aceite de Argán y Semillas de Lino, nutre, hidrata y desenreda eficazmente sin apelmazar Exalta y protege el color natural volviendo el cabello fluido, sedoso y brillante
  • Genus

    26,96 € 29,95 € 1001 In Stock
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    Serum hidratante para el cabello seco y crespo Enriquecido con Aceite de Argán y Semillas de Lino, nutre e hidrata largos y puntas, aportando luminosidad, suavidad y sedosidad extraordinarias Elimina el efecto crespo y las puntas abiertas, volviendo el cabello suave, ligero y luminoso Aplicar sobre el cabello húmedo antes del secado o unas gotas sobre...
  • Genus

    26,91 € 29,90 € 4 In Stock
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    Champú equilibrado para cuero cabelluro y cabellos grasos Su formula equilibrada y no agresiva a base de tensioactivos delicados y Proteinas de Trigo, recuce eficazmente los excesos de sebo de los cabellos, volviéndolos brillantes y vitales Purifica el cuero cabelludo, cumpliendo una acción equilibrante
  • Genus

    16,20 € 18,00 € 1 In Stock
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    Champú equilibrado para cuero cabelluro y cabellos grasos Su formula equilibrada y no agresiva a base de tensioactivos delicados y Proteinas de Trigo, recuce eficazmente los excesos de sebo de los cabellos, volviéndolos brillantes y vitales Purifica el cuero cabelludo, cumpliendo una acción equilibrante
  • Genus

    26,78 € 29,75 € 3 In Stock
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    Permite obtener decoloraciones de hasta 7 tonos y es ideal para neutralizar los reflejos cálidos típicos de la decoloración Perfecto para un efecto final platinado, frío o natural Se puede mezclar en una dilución 1:2 con peróxido de hidrógeno a 10 vol , 20 vol , 30 vol , 40 vol Enriquecida con Queratina, Aceite de Argán y Macadamia
  • Genus

    26,78 € 29,75 € 3 In Stock
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    Permite obtener decoloraciones de hasta 7 tonos y es adecuado para cualquier tipo de cabello y para cualquier técnica Perfecto para un efecto final rojo, cobrizo, marrón cálido o rubio miel Se puede mezclar en una dilución 1:2 con peróxido de hidrógeno a 10 vol , 20 vol , 30 vol , 40 vol Enriquecida con Queratina, Aceite de Argán y Macadamia
  • Genus

    25,65 € 28,50 € 1 In Stock
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    Loción energizante para el cabello débil y fino Cumple una eficaz acción fortalecedora y estimulante gracias a su formulación enriquecida con Extracto de Guindilla y Proteínas de Trigo Purifica y revitaliza el cuero cabelludo para una intensa acción fortalecedora y tonificante Ayuda a prevenir y reducir la caída del cabello Puede causar enrojecimiento...
  • Genus

    24,30 € 27,00 € 2 In Stock
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    Loción energizante para el cabello débil y fino y especialmente creada para el cuero cabelludo sensible Su fórmula equilibrada y potenciada con Extracto de Cren, Proteínas de Trigo y Soja, tonifica y nutre el cuero cabelludo cumpliendo una acción estimulante y fortalecedora Ayuda a prevenir y reducir la caída del cabello Aplicar en raíz, largos y puntas
  • Genus

    32,90 € 36,55 € 3 In Stock
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    Mascarilla reforzante de Arcilla para el cabello débil y fino Crema de textura suave y muy maleable, favorece la oxigenación de los tejidos La arcilla roja, realizando un peeling dulce en la piel, libera los poros de las impurezas El hierro y el cobre contenidos en la arcilla son sales minerales preciosos para revitalizar el eje del pelo Su rica...
  • Genus

    22,37 € 24,85 € 3 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Mascarilla reforzante de Arcilla para el cabello débil y fino Crema de textura suave y muy maleable, favorece la oxigenación de los tejidos La arcilla roja, realizando un peeling dulce en la piel, libera los poros de las impurezas El hierro y el cobre contenidos en la arcilla son sales minerales preciosos para revitalizar el eje del pelo Su rica...
  • Genus

    20,66 € 22,95 € 6 In Stock
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    Champú revitalizante para el cabello tratado químicamente Enriquecido con Extracto de Ajo y Proteínas de Trigo, regenera el cabello estresado por tratamientos químicos, hidratando y mejorando la salud general del cuero cabelludo y del cabello Fortalece y da volumen, haciendo que el cabello sea suave y brillante El Extracto de Raíz de Rábano Picante...
  • Genus

    12,60 € 14,00 € 3 In Stock
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    Champú revitalizante para el cabello tratado químicamente Enriquecido con Extracto de Ajo y Proteínas de Trigo, regenera el cabello estresado por tratamientos químicos, hidratando y mejorando la salud general del cuero cabelludo y del cabello Fortalece y da volumen, haciendo que el cabello sea suave y brillante El Extracto de Raíz de Rábano Picante...
  • Genus

    20,70 € 23,00 € 1 In Stock
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    Acondicionador protección del color para el cabello teñido Enriquecido con Ácido Hialurónico y un especial complejo multivitamínico, nutre e hidrata el cabello reequilibrando su estructura y preservando la luminosidad del color cosmético Desenreda eficazmente volviendo el cabello fácil de peinar, suave y luminoso
  • Genus

    20,66 € 22,95 € 1 In Stock
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    Champú protección del color para el cabello teñido Su especial formulación enriquecida con Ácido Hialurónico y un especial complejo multivitamínico deterge y nutre eficazmente, aportando inmediata hidratación, suavidad y luminosidad sin apelmazar Gracias a un pH ácido protege, exalta y amplifica el brillo del color cosmético, y así prolonga su duración...
  • Genus

    12,60 € 14,00 € 2 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Champú protección del color para el cabello teñido Su especial formulación enriquecida con Ácido Hialurónico y un especial complejo multivitamínico deterge y nutre eficazmente, aportando inmediata hidratación, suavidad y luminosidad sin apelmazar Gracias a un pH ácido protege, exalta y amplifica el brillo del color cosmético, y así prolonga su duración...
  • Genus

    23,76 € 26,40 € 1 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Mascarilla protección del color para el cabello teñido Su fórmula a base de Ácido Hialurónico y un especial complejo multivitamínico desenreda, nutre y sella el cabello volviéndolo sedoso, dócil y brillante sin apelmazar Suaviza y fortalece la fibra capilar, preservando la belleza del cabello para un color más vivo, intenso y duradero
  • Genus

    13,95 € 15,50 € 1000 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Mascarilla protección del color para el cabello teñido Su fórmula a base de Ácido Hialurónico y un especial complejo multivitamínico desenreda, nutre y sella el cabello volviéndolo sedoso, dócil y brillante sin apelmazar Suaviza y fortalece la fibra capilar, preservando la belleza del cabello para un color más vivo, intenso y duradero
  • Genus

    31,49 € 34,99 € 3 In Stock
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    Aceite fluido reestructurante intensivo para el cabello crespo y dañado Su formulación permite actuar sobre la estructura del cabello gracias a la contribución de la Queratina para reconstruir y fortalecer las partes dañadas, mientras que la acción del Aceite de Macadamia y el Aceite de Argán hidrata profundamente sin apelmazar Después de la aplicación,...
  • Genus

    26,91 € 29,90 € 1000 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Champú reestructurante intensivo para el cabello crespo y dañado Su formulación a base de Proteínas de Seda y Extractos de Fruta y de Ginseng ejerce una acción reparadora sobre el cabello muy seco y dañado Nutre el cabello en profundidad, dejándolo suave y brillante
  • Genus

    16,20 € 18,00 € 3 In Stock
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    Discover our intensive restorative shampoo for curly and damaged hair! Formulated with Silk proteins and fruit and ginseng extracts, our formula repairs very dry and damaged hair, nourishing it deeply and leaving it soft and shiny. Restore the vitality of your hair with our top-quality shampoo!
  • Genus

    49,46 € 54,95 € 1 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover our intensive restorative lotion for curly and damaged hair! Formulated with a mixture of Natural Oils, Fatty Alcohols and Quaternary Ammonium, our lotion provides an almost instant softening and restructuring action, making it a beauty treatment for hair. It promotes the realignment of the cuticle scales, bringing brightness and softness to the...
  • Genus

    32,90 € 36,55 € 3 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover the intensive restructuring mask for curly and damaged hair! This conditioning and restructuring creamy emulsion leaves the hair soft and eliminates static electricity. Its formula improves softness and ease of untangling, protecting hair from the mechanical stress of the comb and reducing breakage. Enriched with silk proteins and avocado oil,...
  • Genus

    22,37 € 24,85 € 1 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover the intensive restructuring mask for curly and damaged hair! This creamy emulsion of conditioning and restructuring action leaves the hair soft and eliminates static electricity. Its formula improves softness and ease of untangling, protecting hair from the mechanical stress of the comb and reducing breakage. Enriched with silk proteins and...
  • Genus

    12,60 € 14,00 € 1 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover the restorative shampoo for treated and damaged hair! Enriched with Keratin and Silk Proteins, it cleans gently respecting the most damaged structures and avoiding the crease effect. In addition, caviar and collagen promote a restructuring and anti-aging action. This shampoo disciplines the hair and brings incredible shine, strength and...
  • Genus

    23,36 € 25,95 € 3 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover the rinsing-free restructuring lotion for treated and damaged hair! Enriched with keratin, silk proteins, caviar, and collagen, this lotion offers a restructuring, moisturizing, and anti-aging effect, leaving the hair silky, smooth, and shiny without waxing. In addition, it provides extraordinary tone, strength, and vitality, leaving the cuticle...
  • Genus

    23,76 € 26,40 € 999 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover the restructuring mask for treated and damaged hair! With a rich, creamy formula, this mask is enriched with keratin, silk proteins, caviar and collagen, known for their moisturizing and anti-aging properties. It effectively unties and restructures the hair, avoiding the curl effect. It leaves the hair immediately soft, shiny and strong. Give...
  • Genus

    13,95 € 15,50 € 999 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover the restructuring mask for treated and damaged hair! With a rich, creamy formula, enriched with keratin, silk proteins, caviar and collagen, this mask has moisturizing and anti-aging properties. It effectively unties and restructures the hair, avoiding the curl effect. The result is immediately soft, shiny, and strong hair. Take care of and...
  • Genus

    26,96 € 29,95 € 2 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover the Restructuring Treatment for Open Spikes, specially designed for treated and damaged hair! Enriched with keratin and silk proteins, this treatment reconstructs microfractures and imperfections of the hair fiber. Wrap the stem with a protective film against crease, dampness and aging, compacting the cuticle and sealing the open ends. Apply to...
  • Genus

    11,66 € 12,95 € 3 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover our rinseless conditioner ideal for dry, curly and damaged hair! Enriched with Cotton Oil, known for its moisturizing properties, this conditioner protects, nourishes and restructures hair, leaving it extremely soft, disciplined and shiny. Additionally, it provides elasticity and makes it easy to comb your hair without leaving residue or making...
  • Genus

    21,15 € 23,50 € 3 In Stock
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    Discover direct color in hair gel, available in 12 blendable shades and ready to use! Free of ammonia and oxidants, this product is safe for your hair. With an acid pH of 3.5, it's perfect for adding new reflections to natural, colored or discolored hair. Give your hair a vibrant blue hue with our direct gel color!
  • Genus

    21,15 € 23,50 € 3 In Stock
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    Discover direct color in hair gel, with 12 shades available and ready to use! Free of ammonia and oxidants, this product is safe and its formula with acid pH of 3.5 is ideal for giving new reflections to natural, colored or discolored hair. In addition, our Clear tone can be used as a shine bath or as a diluent for the rest of the Saturation Color...
  • Genus

    21,15 € 23,50 € 3 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Experiment with the direct hair gel color, available in 12 blendable shades and ready to use! Free of ammonia and oxidants, this hair-safe product is formulated with an acid pH of 3.5. Perfect for giving natural, colored or faded hair a new twist, our orange tint adds a vibrant touch to your style. Change your look with confidence with our direct gel...
  • Genus

    21,15 € 23,50 € 3 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover direct color in hair gel, mixable between 12 available shades and ready to use! Formulated without ammonia or oxidants and with an acid pH of 3.5, it is ideal for adding new reflections to natural, colored or discolored hair. Our Pearl Grey tint with anti-yellow effect helps you achieve a unique and vibrant look. Change your style safely with...
  • Genus

    21,15 € 23,50 € 1 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover the color directly in hair gel! Mixable between the 12 available hues and ready to use. Free of ammonia and oxidants, formulated with an acid pH of 3.5, it is ideal for adding new reflections to natural, colored or discolored hair. Our Pink tone allows you to express your style in a vibrant and bold way. Change your look with confidence with...
  • Genus

    21,15 € 23,50 € 3 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover the color directly in hair gel! With 12 shades available and ready to use, this product is free of ammonia and oxidants. Formulated with an acid pH of 3.5, it's perfect for adding new reflections to natural, colored or discolored hair. Our red hue allows you to achieve a bold and vibrant look. Change your style with confidence with our direct...
  • Genus

    21,15 € 23,50 € 3 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover the direct color in hair gel, available in 12 shades and ready to use! Free of ammonia and oxidants, this product is safe for your hair and is formulated with an acid pH of 3.5. Our violet tone allows you to achieve a bold and vibrant look, perfect for adding new reflections to natural, colored or discolored hair. Experiment with your style...
  • Genus

    21,15 € 23,50 € 3 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover our direct color in hair gel, with 12 shades available and ready to use! Free of ammonia and oxidants, this hair-safe product is formulated with an acid pH of 3.5. Our Yellow hue is ideal for adding new reflections to your natural, colored or faded hair, allowing you to achieve a vibrant and bold look. Experiment with your style with our...
  • Genus

    15,25 € 16,95 € 1 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Discover our smoothing cream specially designed for curly, stressed, opaque, and difficult-to-handle hair! Enriched with Moringa Bio Active Water, Bio Olive Oil and Abyssinian Oil, this cream provides deep hydration and nutrition to the hair without leaving it dull or greasy. Its laminating action closes the cuticles and adds shine, leaving the hair...
  • Genus

    10,99 € 12,21 € 6 In Stock
    Reduced price!
    Seven Shades color mask that combines the nourishing power of genUS treatments with the vivacity of direct pigments. With its special formula, it eliminates unwanted yellow tones, leaving a cooler, more vibrant blonde. Add a touch of violet to your hair with our shade and enjoy a bright, even color!
  • Genus

    16,74 € 18,60 € 2 In Stock
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    Seven Shades color mask that combines the nourishing power of genUS treatments with the vivacity of direct pigments. Perfect for maintaining the cosmetic reflection over time and giving new and vibrant tones with each wash. Our Beige mask, formulated with Organic Hops Active Water, is ideal for neutralizing warm tones and golden reflections in darker...
  • Genus

    16,74 € 18,60 € 3 In Stock
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    Seven Shades color mask that combines the nourishing power of genUS treatments with the vivacity of direct pigments Perfect for maintaining the cosmetic reflection and adding vibrant tones with each wash. Our Caramel mask, formulated with Organic Chamomile Active Water, is ideal for giving a copper-gold tint and maintaining natural coppery colors....
  • Genus

    16,74 € 18,60 € 2 In Stock
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    Seven Shades color mask that combines the nourishing power of genUS treatments with the vivacity of direct pigments Perfect for maintaining the cosmetic reflection and adding vibrant tones with each wash. Our chocolate mask, formulated with Organic Coconut Active Water, is ideal for keeping browns warm and dark reds subtle, without too much of a flashing...

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